Oleum Khaos
Register Login
If you would like to get a cost estimate for your Petrophysical project, please register first, or if already registered, Log-in.
For commercial reasons, please be aware that project cost estimates are for existing, or potential new clients; they are not for the general public.
By Registering or Logging-in you agree that Oleum Khaos Ltd (OKL) can store all of your registration details securely and that OKL can contact you as required. Any data used to register on this website will be kept by OKL until requested to be deleted. If you want to delete your registration data please send an email or telephone OKL (see the Contacts page). Registered data will only be used to allow communication between OKL and the User.
User’s registration data is entered in (SSL) encrypted form and secured within the website application and protected by a Third Party security application which monitors any attempts to access the data, plus notifies OKL of all such activity. In the unlikely event of an unauthorised hack of Users’ data, OKL will notify Users as soon as possible after learning of the breach; plus notify the Information Commissioner’s Office, within the statutory 72 hours.
If you have any concerns about registering, please contact OKL.